
Dynamic Array Formulas are a recent innovation from Microsoft, and their impact is immediate and wide-ranging. In this session we’ll explore what a Dynamic Array Formula is, and how they can be used by regular Excel users.

We’ll look at some new functions too, which perfectly complement Dynamic Array Formulas – including UNIQUE, SORT, SORTBY and FILTER and how they can now help us to automate tasks which were previously extremely difficult. 

Benefits of attending:

Boost your knowledge of Excel Formulas by taking advantage of the new Dynamic Arrays. Simplify some common tasks faced by typical Excel users.

Target audience

Intermediate and Advanced users of Excel who create formulas of any kind - aimed at those wanting to elevate skills level in Excel. 


  • What is a Dynamic Array Formula?
  • What are the new functions?
    • UNIQUE
    • SORT
    • SORTBY
    • FILTER
  • How do they affect other functions?

The speaker

Chris Harvey is a Senior Technical Learning Specialist at QA.


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