
Start driving digital transformation by upskilling yourself and your team in cloud. 

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We partner with the best

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Insights from the experts

“In today's rapidly evolving landscape, businesses face critical cloud challenges such as managing increased cloud adoption, innovating at pace with emerging AI, and bridging the cloud skills gap. By embracing adaptive AI strategies, creating cloud centres of excellence, and investing in cloud upskilling, organisations can effectively harness the power of cloud technology to drive innovation and stay competitive.”

Andrew Larkin

QA Practice Director and Cloud Expert

Ways of learning

Master the world of Cloud


Our Cloud apprenticeship offerings equip learners with the real-world context to assimilate and apply the latest cloud skills.

Explore our Cloud programmes

Instructor-led learning

Led by industry experts, our Cloud instructor-led courses are delivered via digital or in-person classroom cohorts, as well as organisation-specific programmes.

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Self-paced learning

Within our 40K+ hours of online content, we have dedicated Cloud resources including hands-on labs, certifications, and self-paced courses to enable teams and individuals to continuously upskill at pace.

Explore our Cloud courses

Your challenges, our solutions

To deliver learning that works, we start with your priorities

The challenge: Innovate at pace with emerging AI

Organisations are under pressure to innovate and deploy AI solutions. This places additional demands on cloud infrastructure and services to support deployment cycles.

The solution: Adaptive AI & cloud strategies

Implement an adaptive AI strategy that embraces rapid innovation cycles and uses cloud capabilities effectively. Our applied-learning offerings tackle business challenges in hands-on cloud environments.

The challenge: Managing increased cloud adoption

62% of leaders agree their organisation has difficulty keeping up with the rapidly evolving technology roles and responsibilities required to manage increased cloud adoption.

The solution: Create a cloud centre of excellence

Build cross-functional teams to drive cloud adoption strategies within your organisation. Our end-to-end learning approach fosters collaborative learning to align cloud initiatives with organisational goals.

The challenge: The cloud skills gap

41% of IT leaders have had application performance issues and outages. 38% have missed KPIs on delivering new innovations to the business due to cloud skills shortages.

The solution: Invest in cloud upskilling

Investing in internal talent development can fill organisational skill gaps faster. Tackle your organisational issues with our public and private Cloud courses.

Latest updates

What's trending

We believe the future belongs to organisations who learn to change with the latest digital capabilities. 

Creating cloud capability

Find out how we worked with Fujitsu to train hundreds of their employees.

Read case study

Multi-cloud approach

The benefits and challenges of this approach.

Read blog

2024 insights

The future of learning investment for technology companies.

Read blog

Hear from our customers

Combining the powers of AI and cloud computing

Download our eBook to discover the top 10 AI skills your team needs to put your cloud to work.

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Need to know

Frequently asked questions

Why do Cloud courses with QA?

We partner with the leading cloud service providers (CSPs) to provide authorised training and enable the right skills for the workforce of the future. Our training is delivered through a variety of learning methods including classroom, online, attend-from-anywhere, and the QA learning platform.

The QA learning platform is the leading enterprise digital skills platform. Our platform is built to accelerate innovation and cloud adoption through guided learning paths, hands-on labs, and AI-powered skill assessments. We offer the world’s first truly blended learning experience, covering Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, AI, Machine Learning, cyber security, DevOps, agile development, big data, and more.

QA training is delivered by experienced experts in the world of data and AI, and we can support businesses with their approach to digital transformation and change, including how they adapt and include AI in the future. 

We understand the skills that data professionals need and can help deliver the upskilling, retraining and apprenticeship talent needed to fill critical talent shortages in areas such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. 

What is cloud computing & virtualisation?

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the internet. It's a flexible, convenient, and affordable way to manage infrastructure, platforms, and software.

We offer official training across the three major cloud service providers (AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform) and other public and private cloud vendors (VMware, Microsoft, Citrix, Oracle, and Red Hat).

Our expert tutors can help you at every stage of your cloud journey – from the basics to beyond. We’ll improve your cloud know-how and show you how best to use it.

What cloud certifications do you offer?

Our 3 largest certification routes are:

Our other cloud vendors include:

  • Citrix
  • Oracle
  • Red Hat
  • VMware